Murphy's Minute for Radio Station 93.3 - 2002

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June is Iced Tea month and if Shakespeare had been raised in the south, the adopted homeland of Iced Tea, he surely would have written: Lipton, Lipton, where for art though oh Lipton? Believe it or not, Shakespeare did actually write: Thank God for tea! I am glad I was not born before it.

The origin of tea begins in the year 2737 B.C., when dried leaves accidently blew into Chinese Emperor Shen Nung’s cup of hot water. Thank goodness he hadn’t set his cup near a garlic bush.

Ice tea came about during the world’s fair of 1904 in St. Louis, when a man’s hot tea booth was being ignored during a hot summer day. Desperation being the mother of invention, he added ice and invented a new commodiTEA that grew in populariTEA!!

Henry Ford, showing his new motorcars at the same world’s fair soon would invent the first cup holder. And if you ever wonder how he got the name for his first car... the Model T.....

So profound a beverage, Tea is the only drink that has ever sparked a revolution -- The Boston Tea Party. A rap singer, Ice Tea, Or a gold adorned icon of the 80’s - Mr T.

Once you take your first sip of southern smoothness though.. you are hooked. The clinking of the ice, the beads dripping down the side of the glass.. the jolt of caffiene.. Now that’s my cup of tea..